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TexMACS™ Medium

簡要描述:TexMACS™ Medium is an optimized serum-free cell culture medium developed for the c*tion and expansion of human and mouse T cells and regulatory T cells.

  • 產品型號:型號齊全
  • 廠商性質:代理商
  • 更新時間:2023-07-11
  • 訪  問  量:381

Overview:TexMACS™ Medium is an optimized serum-free cell culture medium developed for the c*tion and expansion of human and mouse T cells and regulatory T cells. This complete medium enables reproducible application in human and mouse cell culture. It is manufactured without animal-derived components.

Detailed product information:TexMACS™ Medium has been designed for high-performance T cell growth, high cell viability, and consistency under serum-free conditions. It has been optimized for the serum-free c*tion and expansion of human and mouse T cells and regulatory T cells. TexMACS™ Medium has a defined formulation enabling reproducible application in human and mouse cell culture. It is produced without animal-derived components, but contains pre-selected human serum albumin, stable glutamine, and phenol red. TexMACS™ Medium has been developed based on the TexMACS GMP Medium.


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