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TexMACS™ GMP Medium

簡要描述:TexMACS™ GMP Medium is specialized for optimal c*tion of human T cells and Treg cells. It is manufactured without animal-derived components.

  • 產品型號:型號齊全
  • 廠商性質:代理商
  • 更新時間:2023-07-11
  • 訪  問  量:476

Overview:TexMACS™ GMP Medium is specialized for optimal c*tion of human T cells and Treg cells. It is manufactured without animal-derived components. TexMACS™ GMP Medium is either filled in bottles or flexible bags, making handling in GMP confirming processes easy.

Detailed product information:TexMACS™ GMP Medium is serum- and xeno-component free.

Pharmaceutical grade human serum albumine

Optimized formulation containing glucose and stable glutamine (L-alanyl-L-glutamine)

QC functionality test on every batch

Flexible bags (2000 mL) – without phenol red

Bottles (1000 mL) – with and without phenol red

Applications:TexMACS™ GMP Medium has been developed for the c*tion and expansion of human T cells and Treg cells, and optimized for the use in combination with the CliniMACS Cytokine Capture System (IFN-gamma).

Quality statement:MACS GMP Products are manufactured and tested under a quality management system (ISO 13485) and are in compliance with relevant GMP guidelines. They are designed following the recommendations of USP <1043> on ancillary materials.

Disclaimer:MACS GMP Products are for research use and ex vivo cell culture processing only, and are not intended for human in vivo applications. For regulatory status in the USA, please contact your local representative.


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